Questions and Answers

What are muscle spasms?

When muscles become inflamed, they can also spasm, or contract tightly, as a response to injury. While they are the body’s way of protecting itself from further injury, they often produce excruciating and often debilitating pain. Muscle spasms are common in the low back (lumbar) muscles.

What is a bulging/ruptured/herniated disk?

What is a torn meniscus?

What is a torn rotator cuff?

What is arthritis?

What is bursitis?

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

What is shoulder impingement?

What is tendinitis?

What is the difference between a sprain and strain?

Our Services

Atlantic Medical Physicians is an Internal and Occupational Medicine facility. We provide a convenient and state-of-the-art facility to treat and manage work related injuries, drug testing and physicals at competitive rates. We provide a wide variety of healthcare service to prevent, diagnose and treat illnesses.

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Dr. Sudha Garla

Dr. Sudha Garla is the Medical Director of Atlantic Medical Physicians. Dr. Garla specializes in the field of Internal Medicine and treats adult patients suffering from a wide range of illnesses and diseases. She is Board Certified in Internal Medicine with focus on Occupational Medicine.

Meet Dr. Garla!